This weekend's menu ... and adventures

Saturday - Heavy chest and back workout at Sportivo Fitness, so glad to be back to heavy workouts again ... being sick for 4 weeks really kicked our buts!  It's a pretty rainy day on the island, so we bought groceries and then did some room prep for guests arriving this weekend and later this week.  Chairman's reserve in Mom & Dave's fridge - check :-) .  For supper we are having Italian Stuffed Red Peppers and Tomatoes.

Sunday - Today, our guest is one of the lads teachers who is unfortunately heading back to Canada on Monday.  They plan to head down the beach, try out mono-finning again and have some "epic" xBox battles.  Mark is vegetarian, so the menu for supper is Corn Chowder and Loaded Potato Skins (both vegetarian and meat-a-tarian).

Monday - The older lads have the day off school so, Steve and I get to play (well, Steve can play .. I will be coordinating and taking oodles of pictures)!!  Today, we will be running a "fam" trip for Carnival Sailing's newest adventure excursion.  In partnership with Morne Coubaril/Hotwire Zipline we have developed a Survivor Challenge in Soufriere.  The day starts with a catamaran trip to Soufriere, then off to the Plantation for a whole series of adventures and challenges including ziplining, rapelling, stepping stones and creek crossings, then a wonderful creole lunch and back to the boat for rum punch and Piton beer on the return trip.  To end the day, we will be having Pulled Pork Sandwiches with Coleslaw Topping, likely with more rum or piton.


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