A busy week ...

It's been a busy week here on the Island ... we launched a new trip with  Carnival Sailing entitled "Survivor Challenge".  We subjected our friends and colleagues to the inaugural run and put them through their paces :-)  I got tons of pictures and everyone had a fantastic day. 

My parents arrived in late Thursday/early Friday as the already late arriving Westjet flight was delayed by 1.5 hours.  We then spent the weekend working on moving appliances, furniture, etc and cleaning for the upcoming tourist season.  All I can say is thank goodness for rum, as we all worked way harder than one should in the Caribbean!

Given the business of the week, we didn't really research any new recipes but instead went with some of the best of the best.  We had Tandoori Chicken with spicy broccoli, tikka masalla and naan bread on Friday, Pomme de terre meat pie on Saturday, Tilapia with rice pilaf, corn and parker house rolls on Sunday (the rolls were the only new thing on the menu and there is a story with them), on Monday we had Beef Rendang with Asian salad and mint pickled cucumbers.

So ... the rolls ... let me back up a bit and give some background on this story.  It is election time here on the island, and it is very different from anything we are used to in North America.  As a friend of ours put it, "the political party with the best music, most rum and chicken will win" ... It is kinda like Carnival all over again.  The two main parties have alternating convoys that go up and down the main highway with flags, music and bull horns promoting their candidates and party.  It is reminiscent of how the politicians had to campaign in the 40's and 50's, they had to travel from town to town on trains, drive around in cars and use bullhorns to share their message.  The general population here doesn't have computers, t.v.'s and for a large percentage, comparatively, are not literate.  Now, back to the rolls ... Steve was heading up to the North end of the island to pick up Alex and was going to grab groceries along the way.  But, with all of the political convoys it took him over 2 hours to make the trip.  And ... one of the things on his list was eggs, a crucial ingredient in making bread like products.  So ... I ended up asking my Mom to run across the road to pick up eggs for me (note - Steve had all my cash as well ...), and the rolls ended up getting made and weren't bad.  I will do some perfecting to the recipe before I post it though.

Yesterday's task ... make a video for one of the resorts on the Island to promote Carnival Sailing.  I knew that there was no budget to hire a helicopter to take video of the boats, or to even video all of the tours.  So, I used iMovie (have I mentioned how much I love my Mac?) and took some of the still shots I've taken over the last year and created a movie with the song "I'm Yours" by Jason Marz as the base.  It turn out amazing!! 



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