Cajun Chicken Pasta

This was a fantastic recipe.  It's a knockoff of a Chili's recipe and the bacon addition was just to elevate the recipe to the next level.  Everyone loved it and the lads proclaimed “This needs to be on the menu more often!”.  I have put the quantities for 4 servings and 8 servings (if you cook for a small army like I do).
    • 2 (or 4) chicken breasts, boneless skinless, diced
    • 4 (6) teaspoons cajun seasoning
    • 1/4 (1/2) lb bacon, sliced
    • 2 tablespoons butter
    • 1 (2) jars red pepper Alfredo sauce
    • 1/4 (1/2) teaspoon salt
    • 1 (2) teaspoon black pepper
    • 8 (16) oz of fettucini pasta, cooked and drained
    • 2 (3) roma tomatoes, diced
    • 1/2 cup parmesan cheese, fresh shredded, to taste

  1. In a large resealable plastic bag, shake chicken and cajun seasoning until chicken is thoroughly coated.
  2. In large dutch oven, saute bacon and chicken in 2 tablespoons butter, over medium heat, turning whenever necessary.
  3. When chicken is done, add Alfredo sauce and remainder of seasonings, stirring occasionally.
  4. When cream mixture begins to bubble, add the pasta and turn off heat. Stir well.
  5. Spoon pasta, chicken and sauce onto a large serving plate and top with diced tomatoes and parmesan.


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